I always send a "one week out" email before engagement sessions. It includes a weather forecast, as well as some backup plan options for if the weather is supposed to be crazy. We knew there was a chance of scattered thunderstorms, and Melissa and Lucas told me they wanted to go forward and hope for the best. When we got to Weathington Park though, it was absolutely dumping rain! (like, monsoon level.) And the weather forecast said it wasn't supposed to let up before sunset. So... we made plans to reschedule. And then I asked if they wanted to go out in the rain for a few minutes, since we would be coming back on Wednesday anyway, and they said yes! We ended up with some of my favorite engagement photos ever, and the rain ebbed and flowed so that we actually got some sunshine in there too, and we were SO GLAD we didn't leave. Such a fun session!

View the full session here!