Some of my favorite moments from Ash's senior photos at the Bonneville Salt Flats:
- It had been raining off and on all day, and so we were a little worried about driving out on the flats. I went and walked on them, and made the executive decision that they seemed dry enough, so we drove out — the part we thought was amusing was that there had been 5 or 6 other cars at the bonneville speedway parking lot, all trying to decide the same thing. And once we went out (and didn't get stuck, because it really wasn't at all muddy) they all came out on the flats too!
- The bows on the sleeves of her blue dress. Seriously obsessed.
- It was SO windy and so my husband and Ash's family held a blanket up right next to us in a lot of these photos to help block the wind a bit lol. We also spent a lot of the time just a step away from the car, which was a great wind block as well!
- Ash's Layton High School t-shirt outfit, juxtaposed with her cute dresses fit her personality so well! We also definitely took some photos with the aforementioned blanket wrapped around her, which kinda made her look like royalty. (Especially in her red dress! You'll have to check out the full gallery for those :)
- At the very end, the clouds lifted up just enough to show off the mountains in the distance, and at the same time the wind finally died down enough that we could actually work around it, and it felt a little magical

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